Algorithm | Cryptocurrency | Scrypt | LITE Coin / GOGE Coin |
Default Hashrate Mode | 3350M ±5% |
Default Hashrate Power | 3200W ±5% |
Low-Power Hashrate Mode | 2640M +5% |
Low-Power Hashrate Power | 1850W ±5% |
Operating Temperature | 0°C to 35°C |
Network Connection | Only Ethernet |
Machine Dimensions | 264*200*290(mm) |
Weight | 12.5KG |
Our global maintenance and repairing centers are based in:
Huston, USA
Dubai, UAE
【NOTICE】We can offer the warranty insteading of return, please note that we will charge 50% restock fee, so we suggest you make a serious consideration before purchase.
Packing List:
1* Goldshell LT6 with foam package inside

Goldshell LT6 Litecoin/Dogecoin Miner